

Xray for Jira: How we efficiently structure and organise our test environment

In order to offer quality software, we have to ensure optimisation of the automatic processes and test the software thoroughly. For this, we create analyses and reports that help us to successfully identify possible errors.
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Introduction to automated testing with Codeception in PHP projects

What is automated testing? How do we implement it at WATA Factory? What are the reasons that make automated testing so interesting?
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SonarQube: How to maintain the quality of your code during a CI/CD process

In previous articles we have seen different testing procedures that we can use to ensure the quality and correctness of the final product to be delivered. In this article we will talk about SonarQube, a tool that we can also use to ensure our internal quality.
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Hexagonal architecture: introduction and structure

To ensure that our projects are solid, scalable and able to adapt to future changes, the application of a good design architecture is essential. The hexagonal architecture helps us to achieve this goal.
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Automated Testing: Features, advantages and disadvantages

A software project includes several phases that enable us to ensure its correct execution. To guarantee the quality and correction of the final product, we need to apply software testing.
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