Sommerfest – Qbeyond ibérica

It’s time to get to know each other in person. After several months of working together with our colleagues in Germany, our international q.beyond Ibérica team travels to Hamburg for the “Sommerfest”.

Three months of intensive collaboration lie behind us, during which we exchanged processes, working methods and above all knowledge, a lot of cloud knowledge. Beginnings are never easy, but in this case we can say that the start of the collaboration between WATA Factory (a German software consultancy based in Spain) and q.beyond (one of the leading German digitalisation service providers for hundreds of clients who decide to move their services and infrastructure to the cloud every year) was a success.

The combination of different working mentalities (German and Spanish), the adaptation of working methods to new situations, such as remote working or different working hours, as well as communication in English, which for the vast majority of the group members, both in Spain and Germany, is not their mother tongue, were obstacles that we were able to overcome with joint efforts on both sides. 

Thanks to this hard work, we have laid the foundation for significant growth in the coming months/years. It is an exciting challenge for which we all have high expectations.

As a result of this great launch of a centre of excellence specialising in cloud technologies, we are now pleased to announce that our team will be participating in a conference to be held in Hamburg at the end of the month. The conference will include, among others, the following activities:

  • Personal meeting of colleagues from Hamburg and Riga.
  • Evening excursion in Hamburg.
  • Tour of the harbour and the Portuguese quarter, including an evening event.
  • Guided tour of the Hamburg computer centre.
  • Teamwork.
  • On the last day there will be a curling competition in the q.beyond arena and a barbecue with wine and plenty of German beer😊.

We hope that this experience will further strengthen the collaboration between the two companies and provide an impetus for what lies ahead in the coming months. We are planning important expansions in collaboration with different institutions in the region to make it possible to promote local talent and position ourselves as a reference company in this sector in the Iberian Peninsula.