Flutter on the road: our next Open Academy for the local community

On Thursday, the 9th of March, we are organizing FLUTTER ON THE ROAD at the WATA Factory facilities in Jerez de la Frontera. We have invited Oscar Martin and Ana Polo, two well-known speakers in the Flutter community, who will share all their knowledge with us through talks and codelabs.

The format consists of two sessions:

  • Session 1: two talks. The first one is an introduction to Flutter, the second about testing and good practices. Start at 11 am (Register here).
  • Session 2: Codelabs for beginners and advanced. Start at 4:00 pm, held by the same speakers (Register here ).

As always, we’ll end this day of chatter with some refreshments and snacks 🍻.

ⓘ If you need to work from our premises on that day, please let us know when you sign up for the meetup. We will prepare a workspace for you with an internet connection, a super comfortable chair and a good table.


🔹 11:00h – 13:00h Session 1 🗣 We will attend two talks: an introductory talk (at 11h), and another talk on testing and good practices (at about 12h).
⚙️ 15:30h – 16:00h Setup time ⚙️ If you need assistance to configure Flutter on your computer, the speakers will be happy to help you get your equipment ready for the codelabs.
🔹 16:00h – 19:00h Session 2 👩🏻‍💻 We will start in the afternoon with several codelabs. Depending on your level (beginner or advanced), you can join the codelab that suits you best, and learn hand-in-hand with the speakers.
🔹 19:15h – 20:00h Beerworking! 🍻

More info

👩🏻‍💻 The goal of FLUTTER ON THE ROAD is to add value to the community.
🎤 Format: talks in English, codelabs in English & Spanish.
🎟 Free admission until full. Registration for the meetup is required.
🌏 If you need to work before the event starts, we will set up a workspace for you with a table, chair and internet connection, so you can make the most of the workday at the WATA Factory premises.