On Thursday 27th and Friday 28th of October, the 1st All Hands of WATA Factory and q.beyond Ibérica took place – a company event, which will take place every two months in the future, and at which the entire team will have the opportunity to meet again and carry out various training activities together.
WATA Factory‘s original focus was on human resources, and this is still reflected in the company’s attitude, which is concerned about the welfare of its employees and is committed to social and team-building initiatives.
On the other hand, we are also aware of the dizzying speed at which the technological world evolves these days. Today’s technologies are already outdated tomorrow, so continuous training is essential. We want to offer our clients the best trained professionals who can easily meet the challenges of everyday life. Our employees are all computer enthusiasts and therefore the first to be interested in these training days, which provide them with the knowledge they need for their professional development.
The event started with a typical German breakfast, as WATA Factory is a Spanish-German company. On Friday, however, the plan was to welcome our employees with a typical Andalusian breakfast.

After breakfast, our CEO, Germán Lorenzo, gave a welcome speech and an introduction about the upcoming event. Afterwards, the first training session, the Next Challenge, started.
For the Next Challenge, we split into groups by department to run a specific workshop on topics we want to focus on in the coming months. For example, developers looked at the S for Solid, project managers at KPIs, testers at Xray and q.Beyond Ibérica at the Cloud.

After a coffee break, the pair programming sessions began, where employees got together in pairs or small teams to share interesting topics and technical knowledge.
At lunchtime, we opened the doors so that people from outside the company, interested in attending the open talks, could share some networking time with us. We ordered 8 meters of pizza, which we enjoyed in a relaxed atmosphere.

In the afternoon, the public talks began, which anyone from outside the company could attend by registering in advance at the corresponding Meetup event. The first talk, “Serverless Application: cloud development workshop”, was given by our colleague Daniel Buenestado. The second, “Zero to production with Kubernetes”, was given by Laura Morillo.
After the talks, a beerworking session took place where colleagues from WATA Factory and q.Beyond Ibérica as well as external participants could share their experiences and impressions about the talks as well as about technologies in general.

The evening ended with a catered dinner on our premises.

On the next day, the Andalusian breakfast awaited us. Additionally, workers who wished to do so had the opportunity to undergo an occupational health checkup.
In the morning, the colleagues were divided into main topics and continued the pair programming of the previous day. Afterwards, the TalentPool was presented, an online tool developed by our company for the German market.

After a great lunch, we played a fun kahoot with questions about the event and the company, and the winner received a prize.
Here are some pictures of the funniest moments of the event.

And here is also a video of our gathering.
So this was our company event in October. We are already looking forward to the next meeting where we will include interesting news for our employees :-).