
Yii Framework

Web development with Yii Framework: Efficiency and flexibility for PHP applications

In this article we will talk about the Yii Framework, a framework that we have used for developing full stack applications in several of our web projects implemented in PHP.
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NoSQL Databases

NoSQL Databases: A Revolution in Data Warehousing

NoSQL databases, also known as ‘Not Just SQL’, represent a significant advancement in the storage and management of data. Unlike traditional relational databases, which use a rigid table schema, NoSQL databases offer flexibility and scalability, making them ideal for processing large volumes of unstructured and constantly changing data.
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Introduction to Symfony

At WATA Factory, we have spent the last decade working with Symfony, a framework that has proven essential as web applications grow in complexity. With increased demand for robust, flexible, and efficient solutions, the choice of framework becomes critical. Symfony, a leading PHP framework, has consistently been our preferred tool for developing scalable and maintainable...
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angular vue

Comparison of Angular and Vue: development, differences and possible applications

In the world of web development, choosing the right framework is crucial to the success of a project. Among the most popular options are Angular and Vue.js, two frameworks that have become increasingly popular since their introduction. This article looks at the development of Angular and Vue and compares their key features, approaches and use...
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Vue.js: A quick guide to start developing effectively

Vue.js, or simply Vue, is a JavaScript framework used to create user interfaces and interactive web applications. It was developed by Evan You in 2014 and has since gained enormous popularity due to its simplicity, flexibility and efficiency.
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