
In WATA Factory we organize WATA Academy Fridays. For almost each Friday our employees prepare presentation or workshop for the rest of the company and show new topic, technology, process, idea, you name it. It looks like a really internal thing, isn’t it? It is not! We also have Open Academies that are public and are intended for everyone, and we invite participants to a beer.

There is nothing better then share what you know with your colleagues. We multiply our knowledge together.


List of Academies

WATA Factory is preparing for the All Hands event in June

On this occasion, we are once again organizing an internal event where our colleagues will present their work on various projects. There is nothing more valuable than learning from our own team members.
All hands june 2024

Serverless Application: cloud development workshop

This an entry level session in which we will cover Cloud Functions and NoSQL serverless databases. Our, goal is to give a high level overview of the different cloud offerings (IaaS, PaasS and SaaS), as well as do deep dive into serverless functions. We will build a demo application that uses serverless components.

How to migrate a project from Angular 7 to Angular 8

Can we maintain the latest stable version of Angular? Let’s take a look at the complexity of the migration of a project in one of the most dynamic technologies in recent years. This time, I want to share my experience on migrating Angular 7 Apps to Angular 8 (with Ivy).

Continuous integration with GitHub + CircleCI + Heroku

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dignissim malesuada sem, ac posuere nulla maximus nec. Sed nibh ipsum, rhoncus nec laoreet id, iaculis eget libero. Aenean ac pharetra felis. Aenean turpis dui, blandit id ex id, hendrerit tempor tellus. Suspendisse ac massa augue. Nunc sollicitudin lacus mi–> done by JdelaC

Introduction to Teams

In WATA Factory, we adapt to the change. Before microsoft teams was a good way to talk to our clients when cannot do face-to-face meetings. But now, it’s the best partner in our daily work. Thanks to this software we can have more fluid workflow without neglecting safety.

Introduction to bootstrap 4 for developers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dignissim malesuada sem, ac posuere nulla maximus nec. Sed nibh ipsum, rhoncus nec laoreet id, iaculis eget libero. Aenean ac pharetra felis. Aenean turpis dui, blandit id ex id, hendrerit tempor tellus. Suspendisse ac massa augue. Nunc sollicitudin lacus mi –> done by ME

Introducción a Yii

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dignissim malesuada sem, ac posuere nulla maximus nec. Sed nibh ipsum, rhoncus nec laoreet id, iaculis eget libero. Aenean ac pharetra felis. Aenean turpis dui, blandit id ex id, hendrerit tempor tellus. Suspendisse ac massa augue. Nunc sollicitudin lacus mi –> done by unknow

Introducción a Laravel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dignissim malesuada sem, ac posuere nulla maximus nec. Sed nibh ipsum, rhoncus nec laoreet id, iaculis eget libero. Aenean ac pharetra felis. Aenean turpis dui, blandit id ex id, hendrerit tempor tellus. Suspendisse ac massa augue. Nunc sollicitudin lacus mi –> done by unknow

Declarative, Reactive Web Components

Declarative component definition and reactive DOM rendering have taken over web development. Learn how lit-html and LitElement bring this style of component development to the Web Components standard, allowing you to build components in a familiar and productive way that works with all frameworks.

Web components: state of the art

Web Components are encapsulated and reusable elements that we can create using only the web platform. During the talk, Abdón will explain how to create and use them regardless of the framework you are using. He will also tell about their current state and what things are coming soon.

Introduction to Angular 7

We will explore one of the most basic and powerful parts of this framework, the lifecycle hooks. Angular manages the components and directives for us when we create, update or destroy them. With lifecycle hooks, we can have a better control of our application. What do we know about lifecycle hooks?

Introduction to Symfony 4.4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dignissim malesuada sem, ac posuere nulla maximus nec. Sed nibh ipsum, rhoncus nec laoreet id, iaculis eget libero. Aenean ac pharetra felis. Aenean turpis dui, blandit id ex id, hendrerit tempor tellus. Suspendisse ac massa augue. Nunc sollicitudin lacus mi –> done by J.R.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dignissim malesuada sem, ac posuere nulla maximus nec. Sed nibh ipsum, rhoncus nec laoreet id, iaculis eget libero. Aenean ac pharetra felis. Aenean turpis dui, blandit id ex id, hendrerit tempor tellus. Suspendisse ac massa augue. Nunc sollicitudin lacus mi, vel malesuada neque bibendum eu. Aliquam...

Pseudo-scrum: this is the working process at K&L

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce dignissim malesuada sem, ac posuere nulla maximus nec. Sed nibh ipsum, rhoncus nec laoreet id, iaculis eget libero. Aenean ac pharetra felis. Aenean turpis dui, blandit id ex id, hendrerit tempor tellus. Suspendisse ac massa augue. Nunc sollicitudin lacus mi –> done by J.R.

Introduction to unity

In this academy we will explore the basic features of Unity, an overview of what you can do with this powerful toolkit and some samples on how to create quick game prototypes. Unity is a game engine that can be used to create three-dimensional, two-dimensional, virtual reality, and augmented reality games, simulations and other experiences.
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