Meet&Eat, the new monthly meeting at WATA Factory


A new kind of get-together has landed at WATA Factory. Meet&Eat is a monthly event that breaks down virtual barriers.

It’s an informal meeting where we can laugh and eat well. It’s a day when we can have a good time together, clear up any ambiguities about projects and learn as a team, in keeping with the motto “exit your home, join us in the office zone“.

A typical day at WATA Factory’s Meet&Eat starts with using the concentrated morning energy to work together on projects. Then we meet for a lunch sponsored by WATA Factory. After recharging our batteries together, we round off the day with training sessions where we can acquire new knowledge in a relaxed way.

What distinguishes Meet&Eat from other event formats?

It’s true that there are already other WATA Academy events for meetings and training. Well known is our famous All Hands, which takes place quarterly and includes the complete package: two days dedicated to training, networking, teamwork, open dialogue and collegiality. Then there are the WATA Academies, weekly peer-led training sessions based on the culture of collegial collaboration.

So what makes Meet&Eat different from these events?

It’s mainly the informal and relaxed nature. Yes, the meeting takes place to work and learn together, but what really motivates us is the food that brings us together and allows us to relax with colleagues and friends in a much closer environment. Also, due to its smaller scale, it is specifically designed for team members from the departments who can travel to and from the office on the same day, which creates a warmer and cosier atmosphere.

In a nutshell, the Meet&Eat offers the opportunity to work together, clear up doubts, enjoy good food and take part in training at company level, both by department and by project.

Ongoing training, the recipe for success

Training is one of the main components of Meet&Eat and is divided into two types:

  • Training in the individual departments is tailored to the specific needs of the different areas and offers employees the opportunity to improve their skills and knowledge in their area of work. These training sessions are conducted by experts and are designed to be interactive and participatory in order to encourage team members to learn together.
  • In-house training aims to provide all employees with the skills and knowledge they need to work successfully. These training courses cover a wide range of topics, from technical skills to soft skills, and are designed to be practical and applicable to everyday working life. In addition, in-company training offers employees the opportunity to learn from each other and create a culture of continuous learning throughout the organisation.

Preparations for the next Meet&Eat are already in full swing and everything is running like clockwork! Follow our blog to stay up to date on everything and don’t miss any details of the next Meet&Eat.